Современная архитектура жилых зданий в деталях (+ CD-ROM)

Virginia McLeod
книга Современная архитектура жилых зданий в деталях (+ CD-ROM), автор: Virginia McLeod

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Современная архитектура жилых зданий в деталях (+ CD-ROM)

Virginia McLeod
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ID: 4890
Издательство: Питер
Переплёт: мягкий
Количество страниц: 232
Язык: русский
ISBN-13: 9785498070759

Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture

Детали делают здание уникальным, а архитектора, создавшего их - выдающимся. В этой книге анализируется техническое и эстетическое значение деталей в развитии современной архитектуры жилых зданий. Представлено более 50 проектов зданий последних лет, созданных наиболее выдающимися архитекторами и ставших новым словом в архитектуре современности. Описание каждого проекта сопровождается цветными фотографиями и подробными планами всех этажей и деталей конструкции здания, а также данными о проекте, включая команду архитекторов, заказчиков, консультантов, подрядчиков и т. д. Все чертежи прилагаются в форматах DWG и EPS на CD-ROM.

Architectural detailing makes a building unique, and an architect outstanding. Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture provides an analysis of both the technical and the aesthetic importance of details in the development of contemporary residential architecture from 2000 to 2005. Featuring many of the world's most highly acclaimed architects, the book presents over 50 of the most recently completed and influential house designs. For each house, there are colour photographs, plans of every floor, sections and elevations as well as numerous construction details. All the drawings are styled in the same consistent way to allow for easy comparison. There is also a brief descriptive text and detailed captions. The book also features in-depth information for each project, including the location, the floor area, the client, the architectural project team, main consultants and contractors.

Virginia McLeod studied architecture in Australia before practising for a number of years in Sydney. She moved to the UK in 1998 to complete an MA in the history and theory of Architecture at the Architectural Association in London. Since then she has worked for a number of private practices in London and was also the editor of The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture. She is the author of 'Detail in Contemporary Kitchen Design', 'Detail in Contemporary Landscape Architecture', 'Detail in Contemporary Timber Architecture' and 'Detail in Contemporary Bathroom Design' and also 'Encyclopedia of Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture'  -  all published by Laurence King.

Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture (with CD-ROM)